#40: Intentional Parenting with Morgan Eseke: Creating a Scripture-Backed Family Creed and Mission Statement

Season #2

Do you ever feel like you're accidentally just winging it with parenting? Have you ever taken the time to decide exactly where you're headed? Special guest Morgan Eseke joins Courtney today to talk about the importance of deciding ahead of time the direction we're taking with our family.

-Speaking truth to our kids before the world tells them who they are

-Being on a family "team" to instill confidence

-The difference in worldly affirmations and spirit-backed truth

-Creating a family creed or mission statement with your spouse

-And so much more!


CLICK HERE to join Morgan Eseke's FREE 6 week email course and create a spirit-filled, scripture-backed family creed

CLICK HERE to follow @MorganEseke on Instagram


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Thanks for being here, friends! Until next time, let's Elevate Motherhood